Monday, November 23, 2009


I find myslef wondering how much of these tests are all in the numbers. For instance causing a pregnant woman to nealry have a heart attack, because the baby might have a higer chance of trsiomy 21 and 18, just because Mum is "old". And the woman who did the nuchal scan did a shitty job! how can you not "find" and ovary???? Easy, you forget to even look, and then say "it's not my fault, it's the Mum, she's fat!!

For the record, I might be a bit heavier than I was before, but ultra sound works on morbidly obese people, so I resent the implication, that I'm at fault for stupidity and laziness.

And no we won't be having anything more invasive done testwise, as we are not going to terminate, so what's the point?

gripe gripe!

The funny thing is, I'm Pro choice, always have been, always will be. Perhaps the medical profession needs to understand that this means,I beleive that all women have the absolute right to determine what happens to their own body. This means that you do not ever have the right to tell a women that she has to contine with a pregnancy, and in the same line of thought, you don't ever assume that a woman should not contine with a pregnancy either.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

1st scan!

Well, there is only one bub in there:-)

as it turns out though, he or she is slightly too small to do the nucal scan thing, so I have to go back in a week. However, we could see a tiny heartbeat, a tiny skull, and arms and legs, so things look good so far:-)

Monday, November 2, 2009


I feel a bit like I'm in limbo here with this pregnancy. I know I'm pregnant, but it's still too early to feel and movement, or have a bump and I haven't had a scan yet.

and I get worried because I've now been sick for 2 weeks, and I can't help but worry that it's been bad for the baby:(