Thursday, October 22, 2009

have to get motivated....

I have to attempt to get a few things done today... I have some really nice seedlings from the farmers market to go in the ground, and dishes to wash, nappies etc.

DS looks much better today:-) he's had a cold for a week, which my DH and I both caught, and whick turned my morning sickness into a nightmare...blergh.

so today I plant 2 different types of kale, lettuce and more herbs. They join my 3 sisters planting of corn, pumpkin and peas, and the tomates and lettuce I already have in:-) I want to get as much established as possible before the belly get's in the way:-).DH has orders a couple of those upside down tomatie planters form Cath of The Day as well...could be fun, maybe the possumes won't get as many.

As I'm only working minimal hours during this pregnancy, and will take off a full year again (and may even quit), I want to get a good garden going. The more we grow the better. I want to get some chickens at some point as well. Eggs, and meat if they don't lay well. Once we've got rid of the dead trees, and the silly ones (none of these are native or significant!, I'm going to get in more fruit trees. Oranges, apples, and I'd love a decent olive tree.

all pipe dreams at the moment....hint to any family members who are reading this....we need fruit trees for Christmas!!!!

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