Friday, April 2, 2010

I do tend to take a while between posts!

32 weeks!!

good greif where did that time go? Ds's Pregnancy seemed to drag, and this one has flown. Bub is head down nicely, and I'm having many many Braxton hicks this time round. It keeps me hopeful that this bub has every intention of coming out in the right spot!!!

I could have hugged my Mum's cousin the other day...We said we were homebirthing, and there was no "oh I'd never be brave enough...." no "is that safe??" etc..

The number of women who would never even consider homebirth beacuse "it's too dangerous" staggers me. Talk to them about their birthing experiences, and it's all about the number of drugs used, how brusied the baby was, because of forceps or ventous, how many stitches, breastfeeding never initiated because baby too bruised to nurse, Mum told baby just too big, better induce. This list goes on and on.

Medical intervention is a fantastic thing when there is an emergency, but when did we all start to meekly accept that being treated like a second class citizen during labour was ok, or being treated like you are too dumb to know what's going on with your own body was normal and acceptable????

for ages I've said that DS was "10 days Late" when in fact a midwife freind pointed out to me that if we base pregnancy on 42 weeks, he was early. Why is it if a c-section must be organsied, the baby is sectioned early in almost every case, despite ALL the evidence being that this is a bad idea????

The more I talk to people who have had a "standard" hospital birth, the more it makes me want to run screaming in the other direction.

Not that I'd get a standard hospital birth anyway.....stand back!!! she's a VBAC...her stomache is about to explode, just like that scene from Aliens......

I'm really looking forward to birthing at home. Can anyone out there say they are really looking forward to birthing in the hospital???? think about it!

rant over

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